Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I have to start writing

I guess I have to say this has been to best year I have had in 10 years, and the worst one also.

The best because I am no longer dreading my husband Will coming home in the afternoon, and being afraid to say or do anything that might start a rampage.

The worst because 6 months before he said he would kill me if I was at home when he finished playing golf, he tricked me and my daughter into putting his name on her house. He is now trying to take it away. I will go into that on another day.

I will began with saying my husband was and is emotionally, physically and sexually (when he is on any drug) abusive.

Before we got married he was caring and very loving. He had been in business (framing contractor) before we were married and that business went bankrupt before we met. When we met he was working by the hour as a framer. After we married I encouraged him to start he business again. I gave him some of the money I had saved and helped him get his credit going again.

I should say that when we married I had money in the bank and my daughter's home was paid for.

We started a framing company that I named Straight Line, that name was what I used to call him because even the yard had to have straight lines in the rows of flowers.

The more money he made the more in debt we were in, mainly because he had to look like the big shot with everyone. He was buying cars for his nieces, giving one a salary so she could have health insurance. Everytime we went out with family he was the host.

Then the drugs started. During this time, he bought a motorcycle, and 2 boats.

He became physically and verbally abusive. And three years into the marriage we were making good money with the business but we were over $150,000 in debt. I wanted out but I had never been in that kind of debt before, I didn't know what to do.

During the course of this time, he also had pushed away all of my friends here in Austin. I didn't know where to turn.

My lession for the day to every other woman in this situation is just get out.